Howdy ya'll

Hi there fellow bloggers and welcome to nighthawks' page.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

what do i do

Hi all,
I bet some of you wonder what I do all day in my fish bowl so I thought I would give you an example. This week I received an email from England, Mary had bought some old photos on ebay and among them was a photo with the address on the back. Brighton St West Leederville, and she was asking for any information on who the people were. I researched and found out the approximate date of the photo and then researched who lived in the house at the time. Mary was so interested in it that she posted it on her blog. Follow the link to see the photo and the info.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Week 10 Geocaching

Oh what fun I could have with this. Just like the old fashioned car treasure hunt, but someone has done the work for you. I am also a cryptic crossword fan so the cryptic clues pique my imagination. I think it could be an interesting thing for the library to do but would be very good for local studies as I could cache things like the heritage trail or historical markers in the TOC that would all be great free advertising.

Week 9 Podcasting

I find podcasting good fun, especially when you have missed something (like hamish and andy's pants off friday sessions on 92.9) you can always relive it by going to the site and either just listening to it or download it to my iphone so i can listen at my leisure. Of course there are also more intellectual sites to download from such as the National Library.

Week 7 - Social Networking

I particularly love my Facebook, it allows me to keep in contact with all my family and friends (especially those ones that are not in this state). I dont think I would have as close a relationship with my niece and nephews and my cute great niece if it wasnt for facebook. Twitter leaves me a bit cold and although I have a twitter account with 8 followers (only one of them I know) I have only tweeted once about a year ago, just to see what it was like.


Delicious and Library Things are the two sites we looked at - social bookmarking seems like a handy way to keep track of all the sites you are interested in and the TAGS make it easy to find earlier sites. Also the interaction with your friends and peers make it easy to keep up to date with new sites.


I embedded this video for you all to have a laugh.

Thursday, 7 April 2011


Ooh I am quite excited I am on annual leave as of 6pm tonight and wont be returning till the 27th of April - YAY
Just to make you all jealous I am posting a photo of where i will be spending the next week.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

RSS feeds

RSS feeds is fun and easy to use, I really like the way that everything is grouped together on one page, a little like favourites in internet explorer but easier to manage. I have about twenty feeds on my page and they range from the news to photos and weather in my home town but one of my faves is the official blog. people who are interested in genealogy may want to take a peek, it has a lot of info. For example someone on there has uploaded the birth certificate of Elizabeth Taylor.


Hi all,
I thought that too get the most out of flickr I would create my own account and upload some photos of my pets, You can see one of them embedded below or you can follow the link that will take you to my photostream page. The photo is of my bernese mountain dog, Lily and my kitten, Nighthawk (notice I took the cats name as my blog name). Nighthawk is actually beating Lily up, but dont worry if it gets to painful, Lily just puts a great big paw on the cat.

IMG_0433 008

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Cat in a jar

Ha ha, small things amuse me immensely - like this cute little cat in a jar. Love the way he has squashed himself in there.
Another small thing that amuses me is iPhone fails - that is where your iPhone auto corrects what you have written and comes up with some very odd words, that really do not fit in the sms. There is a great site called: which always makes me laugh till I cry. You probably wont be able to access it from work as the site is blocked because it is "tasteless". But here is an example (i picked a clean one)
damn you auto correct funny iphone fails and blunders