Howdy ya'll

Hi there fellow bloggers and welcome to nighthawks' page.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Hi all,
I thought that too get the most out of flickr I would create my own account and upload some photos of my pets, You can see one of them embedded below or you can follow the link that will take you to my photostream page. The photo is of my bernese mountain dog, Lily and my kitten, Nighthawk (notice I took the cats name as my blog name). Nighthawk is actually beating Lily up, but dont worry if it gets to painful, Lily just puts a great big paw on the cat.

IMG_0433 008


  1. Love you photo of your lovely pets

  2. How cute:) I made a Flickr page too, it will be really useful for sharing pics with friends and relatives overseas.

  3. How cute!! I don't have any pet so have to get my animal updates from others' blogs!
