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Thursday, 24 March 2011

Cat in a jar

Ha ha, small things amuse me immensely - like this cute little cat in a jar. Love the way he has squashed himself in there.
Another small thing that amuses me is iPhone fails - that is where your iPhone auto corrects what you have written and comes up with some very odd words, that really do not fit in the sms. There is a great site called: which always makes me laugh till I cry. You probably wont be able to access it from work as the site is blocked because it is "tasteless". But here is an example (i picked a clean one)
damn you auto correct funny iphone fails and blunders


  1. Like your pretty background

  2. Yeah I love your back ground to Leese (how did you get this pretty background?) - But not so stoked on that picture of that poor wittle putty tat stuck in a glass jar - that's animal abuse - that should be reported to the RSPCA!!
    :-) hehehe ... just havin' a go... not serious! (but still pretty messed up though I reckon)(bobbi brown).

  3. I'm sure the cat in the jar escaped

  4. I like the scrolling thingamebub that your page does - how did you do that?
